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Basic Concepts

Here we explain some basic concepts generative AI services and of AIsBreaker ... in addtion to the Architecture (Overview).


... is an AI service provided by AIsBreaker or by a 3rd party service provider.

Examples are: OpenAI (ChatGPT) service, any Huggingface AI service, OpenAssistant AI service, image generation service, ...

Each service connected to or provided by AIsBreaker solves a specific task and is addressed by one or more serviceIds.

A list of implemented service connectors/features: Services


AI services can solve diferent tasks. The task is usually part of the serviceId to classify the expected result of the service.

Details and a list of all possible tasks on page: Tasks


Each service connected to or provided by AIsBreaker has one or more serviceIds to select the task, the service/vendor and the engine/AI model. Details on page: serviceId

Engine / Model

Each service supports one or mode engines. An engine is a vendor specific name of the engine/model/model family to use. More on page: serviceId

Service Properties / ServiceProps / AIsServiceProps

... are the properties of a service, which are needed to connect to the service. Usually a JSON or YAML. Details on page: Service Properties / ServiceProps / AIsServiceProps

Service URL

... is the URL of the actual AI service API. Details on page: Service URL

API Keys (Access Tokens)

... keys are often needed to access API services. Details on pages: API Keys (Access Tokens) and AIsBreaker API Key (AIsBreaker Access Token)


... is the (service-independent) input to an AI service. Details on page: Request

Service-independent means that the format of the request is the same for all service implementations/vendors of the same task.

Response (FinalResponse and ResponseEvent)

... is the (service independent) output of/result from an AI service. Details on page: Response

Service-independent means that the format of the response is the same for all service implementations/vendors of the same task.

Released under the MIT License.